5631 California Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98136
P: (206) 931-5853
E: info@evergreenkandf.com
Karate Sparring Training Clinic Taught by Some of the Best in the PNW!
Clinic instructors include Regional/National/World Champion competitors, coaches, Masters, and Grandmasters in Tang Soo Do, Shotokan, Kenpo, Goju Ryu, and more!
Who can attend?
Our clinic is open to ALL karate students ages 4 and older! All ranks from brand new white belt to Grandmaster can attend. Students and instructors from any studio, organization, or association are welcome.
Open Sparring
Evergreen Karate and Fitness
Ages 13 and older only
Full Sparring Gear is Mandatory
10:00am - Doors Open
10:15am - Session #1a: Distance/Defense-Master Steven Elmore
Session #1b: Sparring Technique/Strategy-Master Angela Dunskus-Gulick
11:15am - Session #2a: Kenpo Techniques-Ms. Alejandra Lainez Bueso
Session #2b: TBD-Master Stephanie Causby
12:15pm - Session #3a: Offensive Techniques-The 99%
Session #3b: TBD-Master Ben Causby
1:15pm - Break
1:45pm - Session #4a: Shotokan Techniques-Mr. Luke Bringhurst
Session #4b: TBD-Master Ben Causby
2:45pm - Session #5a: The Universal Counter-Master Steven Elmore
Session #5b: TBD-Master Stephanie Causby
3:45pm - Session #6: Sparring Secrets - Grandmaster Mike Shintaku
5:00pm - Clinic Ends
5:30pm - Tang Soo Do Black Belt Test
7:00pm - Pizza Party
Clinic Location
Youngstown Cultural Center
4408 Delridge Way SW
Seattle, WA 98106
Clinic Cost
$35 if registered by 12/31/24
$45 after 12/31/24
$55 after 1/31/25
$65 after 2/28/25
$75 after 3/31/25 or at the door
Party Location
Youngstown Cultural Center
4408 Delridge Way SW
Seattle, WA 98106
Party Cost
$25 before 12/31/24
$35 after 12/31/24
Party cost covers pizza, non-alcoholic beverages, and live music!
Next deadline happens in...